La definizione di “bruciacalorie” vorrebbe darci delle indicazioni sul destino delle calorie assunte in eccesso. La prima legge della termodinamica però temo non ci consenta questo volo di fantasia;
Questo principio è definito anche legge di conservazione dell’energia e può essere formulato in questa maniera: Delta U+L-Q= 0
Delta U indica la variazione di temperatura del sistema e nel caso dell’organismo è uguale a zero, dal momento che la temperatura corporea non aumenta in seguito all’assunzione di cibo;
Q indica il calore fornito al sistema, nel nostro caso le calorie alimentari;
L indica il lavoro svolto dal sistema, nel nostro caso le attività fisiologiche e l’attività fisica.
L’equazione quindi mette in relazione le calorie degli alimenti con il lavoro meccanico svolto dal sistema e ci dice che dal momento che la temperatura corporea non può aumentare e quindi Delta U è uguale a zero, il totale di L-Q deve essere zero: ciò significa che se assumo 2000 calorie, perchè il totale sia zero e quindi non si abbia aumento di peso, devo disperdere una uguale quantità di energia con l’esercizio fisico (oltre che con le basilari attività fisiologiche); se assumo più calorie di quelle che sono in grado di disperdere come energia meccanica, invece aumento di peso.
Questa semplice formula dimostra che l’energia non si crea o distrugge, ma si può solo trasformare,
quindi l’energia chimica degli alimenti assunti in eccesso può essere dispersa solo con un’adeguata attività fisica (aumentando così il lavoro meccanico svolto dal sistema e la dispersione di calore che l'accompagna) perche’, quanto a bruciare, per smaltire certi eccessi dovremmo raggiungere gli 80 gradi di temperatura corporea, mentre se per effetto di tali integratori invece che l'accumulo adiposo aumentasse la disponibilità’ energetica, quindi l’adenosin trifosfato, la fonte di energia che le cellule sono in grado di utilizzare immediatamente, sarebbero proponibili per lo sport e li farei anche io i record mondiali. Purtroppo invece l’energia chimica degli alimenti se non è dispersa come lavoro meccanico rimane nell’organismo come energia chimica con funzioni di riserva, diventando tessuto adiposo.
La teoria propone meccanismi d'azione interessanti, purtroppo il risultato non e' conseguente: le azioni che descriveremo a carico degli estratti vegetali considerati hanno agio di svolgersi se l'energia chimica degli alimenti puo' trasformarsi in energia meccanica: vale a dire che occorre comunque accompagnare l'assunzione di tali estratti con un'adeguata attivita' fisica perche' i grassi mobilitati dal tessuto adiposo e gli zuccheri rimasti nel circolo sanguigno vengano utilizzati; in caso contrario verrebbero recuperati per formare nuovo tessuto adiposo.
GARCINIA : contiene acido idrossicitrico,che riesce a limitare l'azione dell'ATPcitratoliasi,un enzima che interviene sugli zuccheri assunti in eccesso con l'alimentazione favorendone la trasformazione in grassi (trigliceridi,colesterolo).La garcinia riesce a ridurre del 27% questa trasformazione degli zuccheri in grassi; gli zuccheri non trasformati in grassi arricchiscono le riserve di glicogeno,si ha la demolizione completa degli alimenti con produzione di energia e conseguente senso di sazieta'.
L'arricchimento delle riserve di glicogeno muscolare e la maggiore energia in ATP derivante dalla mancata trasformazione degli zuccheri sembra un aspetto valido anche per chi fa sport,inoltre questi stessi fattori dovrebbero conferire maggior forza,energia e resistenza anche nelle attivita' della vita quotidiana.
Un altro aspetto interessante della Garcinia e' che la mancata trasformazione degli zuccheri in grassi favorisce l'utilizzo dei grassi presenti nel sangue,con conseguente diminuzione del tasso ematico di trigliceridi e colesterolo.
CITRUS AURANTIUM : contiene sinefrina,che e' definita termogenica,cioe' e' una di quelle sostanze bruciacalorie di cui si diceva prima; stimola i recettori adrenergici beta-3, presenti soprattutto sul tessuto adiposo e nel fegato,e che sono responsabili della lipolisi,cioe' del passaggio in circolo dei grassi di deposito,che possono cosi' essere metabolizzati a fini energetici,sempre che l'attivita' dell'organismo richieda rifornimenti energetici.
GUARANA' : contiene tannini che stimolano la secrezione e prolungano l'attivita' dell'adrenalina, che ha anche la funzione di estrarre i grassi dalle cellule adipose e favorirne il metabolismo.
TEOBROMINA : ha azione lipolitica come antagonista delle fosfodiesterasi e dell'adenosina
Un cenno a parte per la GYMNEMA, che interviene sui recettori intestinali specifici per l'assorbimento degli zuccheri,con un effetto che dura diverse ore,grazie alla molecola dell'acido gymnemico,che ha una struttura simile a quella degli zuccheri.
Questa sostanza quindi non interviene nel metabolismo energetico e non va inclusa fra i cosiddetti bruciacalorie; la sua azione potrebbe avere pero' piu' interesse di quelle delle sostanze citate prima.
Dr. Nicola Lembo
The definition of "burning calories" would give us directions on the fate of the calories consumed in excess. The first law of thermodynamics, however, I'm afraid we do not allow this flight of fancy;
This principle is also called the law of conservation of energy and can be formulated in this way: Delta U + LQ = 0
Delta U indicates the temperature change of the system and in the case of the body is equal to zero, since the body temperature does not increase after intake of food;
Q indicates the heat supplied to the system, in our case the food calories;
L indicates the work done by the system, in our case the physiological activities and physical activity.
The equation then relates the calories of foods with the mechanical work done by the system and tells us that since the body temperature can not increase and then Delta U is equal to zero, the total of LQ must be zero, which means that if I take in 2000 calories, because the total is zero and therefore do not have weight gain, I have to disperse an equal amount of energy with exercise (in addition to the basic physiological activities); if assume more calories than they are able to disperse as mechanical energy, instead of weight gain.
This simple formula shows that energy is not created or destroyed, but it can only transform,
then the chemical energy of the food taken in excess can be dispersed only with adequate physical activity (thus increasing the mechanical work done by the system and the dispersion of heat that accompanies it) because ', as to burn, to dispose of certain excesses should reach 80 degrees of body temperature, while if the effect of such supplements rather than the accumulation of fat would increase the availability 'energy, and then the adenosine triphosphate, the energy source that cells are able to use immediately, would be proposed for sports and even I would do them the world records. Unfortunately however the chemical energy of food if it is not dispersed as mechanical work remains as chemical energy in the body with functions of reserves, becoming adipose tissue.
There 'so expect no benefit from taking the products defined "bruciacalorie"?
The theory proposes mechanisms of action interesting, unfortunately the result is not 'consequent: the actions that describe borne by the plant extracts considered to have leisure to take place if the chemical energy of food can' turn into mechanical energy: ie it must be however accompany the intake of these extracts with an appropriate activity 'physical' cause fat mobilized from adipose tissue and sugars remain in the bloodstream are used; otherwise would be recovered to form new tissue.
GARCINIA: contains hydroxycitric acid, which can limit the action dell'ATPcitratoliasi, an enzyme that acts on sugars taken in excess with the feeding encouraging their transformation into fat (triglycerides, cholesterol) .The Garcinia can reduce this by 27% transformation of sugars into fat; unprocessed sugars into fat enrich glycogen stores, you have the complete demolition of the foods with energy production and consequent sense of fullness'.
The enrichment of muscle glycogen stores and increased energy in ATP resulting from the failure to convert the sugars seems to look good even for those who do sports, these same factors also should give more strength, energy and endurance even in the activities' of everyday life.
Another interesting aspect of the Garcinia and 'that the failure to convert the sugars into fat promotes the use of fat in the blood, resulting in a decrease in the rate of blood triglycerides and cholesterol.
CITRUS AURANTIUM: contains synephrine, which is' defined thermogenic, that 'and' one of those substances bruciacalorie that you said before; stimulates beta-3 adrenergic receptors, present mainly in the liver and adipose tissue, and which are responsible for lipolysis, ie 'of the passage into the circulation of fat storage, so that they can' be metabolized for energy purposes, provided that the activity 'body requires energy supplies.
GUARANA ': contains tannins that stimulate the secretion and prolong the activity' of adrenaline, which also has the function to extract the fat from the fat cells and promote metabolism.
THEOBROMINE: has lipolytic action as antagonist of phosphodiesterase and adenosine
A special mention for GYMNEMA, which acts on receptors specific for the intestinal absorption of sugar, with an effect that lasts for several hours, thanks to gymnemic acid molecule, which has a structure similar to that of sugars.
This substance is therefore not involved in energy metabolism and should not be included among the so-called bruciacalorie; its action could have but 'more' interest than the substances mentioned before.
Dr. Nicola Lembo
Un cenno a parte per la GYMNEMA, che interviene sui recettori intestinali specifici per l'assorbimento degli zuccheri,con un effetto che dura diverse ore,grazie alla molecola dell'acido gymnemico,che ha una struttura simile a quella degli zuccheri.
Questa sostanza quindi non interviene nel metabolismo energetico e non va inclusa fra i cosiddetti bruciacalorie; la sua azione potrebbe avere pero' piu' interesse di quelle delle sostanze citate prima.
Dr. Nicola Lembo
The definition of "burning calories" would give us directions on the fate of the calories consumed in excess. The first law of thermodynamics, however, I'm afraid we do not allow this flight of fancy;
This principle is also called the law of conservation of energy and can be formulated in this way: Delta U + LQ = 0
Delta U indicates the temperature change of the system and in the case of the body is equal to zero, since the body temperature does not increase after intake of food;
Q indicates the heat supplied to the system, in our case the food calories;
L indicates the work done by the system, in our case the physiological activities and physical activity.
The equation then relates the calories of foods with the mechanical work done by the system and tells us that since the body temperature can not increase and then Delta U is equal to zero, the total of LQ must be zero, which means that if I take in 2000 calories, because the total is zero and therefore do not have weight gain, I have to disperse an equal amount of energy with exercise (in addition to the basic physiological activities); if assume more calories than they are able to disperse as mechanical energy, instead of weight gain.
This simple formula shows that energy is not created or destroyed, but it can only transform,
then the chemical energy of the food taken in excess can be dispersed only with adequate physical activity (thus increasing the mechanical work done by the system and the dispersion of heat that accompanies it) because ', as to burn, to dispose of certain excesses should reach 80 degrees of body temperature, while if the effect of such supplements rather than the accumulation of fat would increase the availability 'energy, and then the adenosine triphosphate, the energy source that cells are able to use immediately, would be proposed for sports and even I would do them the world records. Unfortunately however the chemical energy of food if it is not dispersed as mechanical work remains as chemical energy in the body with functions of reserves, becoming adipose tissue.
There 'so expect no benefit from taking the products defined "bruciacalorie"?
The theory proposes mechanisms of action interesting, unfortunately the result is not 'consequent: the actions that describe borne by the plant extracts considered to have leisure to take place if the chemical energy of food can' turn into mechanical energy: ie it must be however accompany the intake of these extracts with an appropriate activity 'physical' cause fat mobilized from adipose tissue and sugars remain in the bloodstream are used; otherwise would be recovered to form new tissue.
GARCINIA: contains hydroxycitric acid, which can limit the action dell'ATPcitratoliasi, an enzyme that acts on sugars taken in excess with the feeding encouraging their transformation into fat (triglycerides, cholesterol) .The Garcinia can reduce this by 27% transformation of sugars into fat; unprocessed sugars into fat enrich glycogen stores, you have the complete demolition of the foods with energy production and consequent sense of fullness'.
The enrichment of muscle glycogen stores and increased energy in ATP resulting from the failure to convert the sugars seems to look good even for those who do sports, these same factors also should give more strength, energy and endurance even in the activities' of everyday life.
Another interesting aspect of the Garcinia and 'that the failure to convert the sugars into fat promotes the use of fat in the blood, resulting in a decrease in the rate of blood triglycerides and cholesterol.
CITRUS AURANTIUM: contains synephrine, which is' defined thermogenic, that 'and' one of those substances bruciacalorie that you said before; stimulates beta-3 adrenergic receptors, present mainly in the liver and adipose tissue, and which are responsible for lipolysis, ie 'of the passage into the circulation of fat storage, so that they can' be metabolized for energy purposes, provided that the activity 'body requires energy supplies.
GUARANA ': contains tannins that stimulate the secretion and prolong the activity' of adrenaline, which also has the function to extract the fat from the fat cells and promote metabolism.
THEOBROMINE: has lipolytic action as antagonist of phosphodiesterase and adenosine
A special mention for GYMNEMA, which acts on receptors specific for the intestinal absorption of sugar, with an effect that lasts for several hours, thanks to gymnemic acid molecule, which has a structure similar to that of sugars.
This substance is therefore not involved in energy metabolism and should not be included among the so-called bruciacalorie; its action could have but 'more' interest than the substances mentioned before.
Dr. Nicola Lembo