The first consideration regarding all''alimentazione suitable for a sportsman and 'evaluate the correctness power followed.
The parameters that identify poor nutrition are:
-an excess weight form
-the value of high blood sugar
-the value of high triglycerides
-the ratio of total cholesterol / good cholesterol (HDL) levels greater than 5.
It should be noted that an athlete who does not have a weight problem and form of high blood sugar has no problems of triglycerides and cholesterol, and 'therefore sufficient assessment of BMI and blood glucose monitoring.
Weight form of an athlete who performs activities' agonistic can 'be defined as a BMI of 20 (compared to the value of 22 and that' enough to un'individuo sedentary)
fat mass must be 9% (compared to 12% sufficient for sedentary)
for women are valid values of 18 to ICM and 8% body fat.
- ICM = weight in kg / height in meters squared.
For the calculation of body fat you can 'use a scale impedenziometrica
The solution to achieve a healthy weight and 'to control the daily caloric intake, keeping in mind that un'apporto calories too low can' impair athletic work:
the daily caloric contribution can 'be:
- 600x (height in meters squared) for men
- 450x (height in meters squared) for women
This calorie intake, not particularly limited, does not compromise the training sessions, which can not but 'be too intense, and of course can not' be followed in the competitive period.
BREAKDOWN OF NUTRIENTS for athletes practice activities' competitive:
55% carbohydrates, 15% protein, 30% fat.
individuals who have a blood sugar level of less than 80 consume more 'proteins, which can go in this case to 20-22% at the expense of fat.
Carbohydrates And GLYCOGEN
When the body performs an activity 'physics, the energy source that uses a large prevalence, and' glycogen, a form of glucose polymer, that after the digestion and absorption in the intestine is stored in the muscles and liver , only to be taken when the body needs energy;
These deposits then equivalent to one tank of gas, and it 'clear that, before leaving for a long journey and challenging, and' appropriate that the tank is full the most 'can.
Hence the importance of a carbohydrate loading to ensure sufficient energy to the muscles to complete the race.
There are methods that calculate mode 'and quantity' of carbohydrates take to bring stocks maximum glycogen, so enter the start with a quantity 'appropriate fuel, but without making the mistake of taking an excessive load: and 'in fact important not to exceed, since excess carbohydrates are stored as fat, resulting only in an increase in weight.
the glycemic load should be made the evening before the race or workout, if the activities 'will be' held in the morning, while you can 'split the load between the previous evening and the morning if the activity' is carried out from the afternoon.
An approximate glycemic load can 'be provided by a drink with 80-160 grams of maltodextrin or appropriate mixture (the classic tart does not take this the protein content of the flour) two hours after dinner.
May 'not be appropriate to complement the limit glycogen stores, is not to risk being overweight by accumulation of adipose tissue, and because' however glycogen stores involve additional weight (250 grams of glycogen damage A rise in weight of 1 kg, in a marathon involve a time greater than 3 minutes);
here is the importance of not exceed and learn how to burn fat with carbohydrates (which is a subject well-trained); worth integrate just before the race, 'cause even though the workouts result in energy expenditure consistent, this constitutes a phase of discharge of glycogen, to which the body responds in the following days with a greater capacity 'load.
Considering then that the energy needs for the race and 'covered in well-trained athletes, 20% from fat, that any body has already' at rest discrete glycogen stores, and if you and 'an athlete these are also more, for which two thirds of a competition challenging (marathon, 200-300 km of bike) are covered by the consumption of fats and inventories physiological glycogen, to be recovered a stock of glycogen suitable for us to face the remaining third of the race , estimated from this formula:
Calories to integrate with carbohydrates = 10 x body weight in kg
1 g of carbohydrates from '4 cal then an athlete of 70 kg must integrate (10x70) 700 cal, equal to about 175 grams
you can use supplements in fingers or liquids already 'packaged powder to prepare, as maltodextrins etc..
Traditionally, it makes use of a tart; in our example it would add 250 grams of tart, subtracting the portion daily caloric 120 cal per 100 grams of pie, as this also adds protein and fat.
(100 g tart bring 400 calories, but only 280 are derived from sugars, the remainder and 'provided by proteins and fats that are not going to form glycogen, but if the excess caloric daily, form adipose tissue).
(About the fat content, the tart like other packaged foods available, these must not contain hydrogenated oils or margarine: it is cheap oils which are made solid through the hydrogenation process which reduces the hotels '' sharp '' and therefore 'flowing double chemical bonds (the unsaturations) forming a linear chain fatty acid, or saturated, which become so' solid, workable in the industry
food, but which are arranged in the cell membranes instead of polyunsaturated fatty acids, making it less fluid the less permeable membranes themselves and the exchange of oxygen and other nutrients of the cell:
hydrogenated fats are bad for anyone, are poison for the athlete (hence the importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (also called omega 3, omega 6 and so on.), which are indispensable in the diet: abound in fish, can also be integrated with the intake of capsules (for their fluidity 'provide better funzionalita'alle muscle cells, nerve, heart).
L 'integration and' sometimes made with pasta: this, however, 'not' made up of carbohydrates alone, but it has a protein content and involves a condiment (often fat) whose caloric intake (the fraction of the caloric and seasoning) goes removed from the daily caloric.
100 grams of pasta containing 350 calories, but only 80% of the pulp (weighed raw) and 'consists of carbohydrates;
our athlete of 70 kg, which must integrate 700 cal all coming from carbohydrates, given that 100 grams of pasta make 280 cal from carbohydrates alone (and 70 from proteins and lipids) must integrate in the complex with 250 grams of pasta.
Given also the seasonings, must subtract 250 cal to share daily caloric (that of normal foods that make up lunch and dinner).
A common mistake: underestimating the time of digestion and assimilation and storage of nutrients in the body. Note that six hours after the meal is still observed oxygen consumption for digestion: quest'ossigeno and 'subtracted to the muscles, and also this' means that what we ingested and not' yet been fully stored in forms that can be used for purposes energy (this should also prove the absolute uselessness' of eating foods complex during the race, because before providing energy to be digested, assimilated in the intestine, transported to the place of destination and stored:
when it comes to complex foods (fruits, sandwiches, desserts, etc.) are estimated times exceeding six hours, so it will draw benefits never raced by these nutritional supplements; In fact, when we refer to the integration in the race we refer to dilute solutions of sugars whose intestinal absorption and 'fast.
Because of the time of assimilation, integration of complex carbohydrates in the form (pasta, tart) must be made 24 hours before the race, to es.A breakfast and lunch the day before races for morning, lunch and dinner the day before if the race and 'afternoon;
bars and liquid solutions for lunch and dinner the day before for the morning races dinner the day before and morning breakfast for the afternoon races.
As for the power in the days before the race, it must also be a time to form glycogen stores appropriate:
and 'sufficient to cure the three days before the race, in which you go from a normal diet (50% carbohydrate, 20% protein, 30% fat) to a power that, without changing the calorie intake, switch to 70% carbohydrates , 15% fat and 15% protein.
3 days in a diet based on carbohydrates in moderate dose (50% of calories)
3 days in a diet low in carbohydrate (10% of calories)
3 days of diet high in carbohydrates (90% of calories)
according to the study of Bergstrom who devised the scheme the glycogen concentration increases by 170%.
unfortunately three days of diet low in carbohydrates affect the effectiveness of the training at the time, also intense training made within three days of glycemic load lowers glycogen stores
for which the study of Bergstrom seems to have validity 'experimental, that' if carried out on subjects at rest, but in practice, being necessary the daily training, the experimental result is negated, unless it can drastically reduce the intensity ' Workouts for the six days before the race: and 'still a technique aimed at single race, not a series of races each day or week or for more effective workouts, which are also newspapers.
In practice, just the discharge of training to ensure the restoration of glycogen stores.
However, care must be taken not to bring the proportion of fat supply below 20% because 'limit fats means that you burn carbohydrates for attivita'a low intensity'.
MEAL PREGARA never less than four hours from the race, if you do not resist the hunger you can 'use max 200 cal 3 carbohydrate liquids max 1 hour and a half before;
a meal consumed 3 to 6 hours before should be max 500 cal and consists mainly of carbohydrates;
up to six hours before you can 'eat normally;
the night before you have to avoid a heavy meal, but otherwise, glycemic load separately, you can 'dine ormalmente, avoiding foods low in calories but cause intestinal stagnation, such as salads and vegetables, and not disposed of in time for the race;
for a race in the morning, the only food intake should be carbohydrate intake, even in complex form, 200-400 cal least two hours before.
WARNING: what 'you eat has to be digested first, absorbed and then transferred to the muscles, and this' committed at least an hour for food more 'comparable and up to 4 hours for those more' complex.
I PROTEIN BURNER: as much as 'the athlete and' used to running with limited stocks of carbohydrates much more 'increases its ability' to burn fat and protein.
This occurs in those who train every day and often must do so without having fully recovered the previous workout (ie 'the habit to training in conditions of poor reinstatement of liver glycogen and muscle training the body to burn more' i fats and proteins: these athletes are defined protein burner;
what 'determines that those who train three times a week has less capacity' recovery of those who train every day, even if the first reintegrates in a more 'efficient glycogen.
then the fuel used depends on the degree of training (60% carbohydrates 30% fat 10% protein for those who train every day 80.15 and 5% for those who train three times a week);
also depends on the speed at which it runs: it is believed that the athlete usually uses carbohydrates and only to speed 'low intervene the use of fat (this should not lead to the misunderstanding that low path is dimagriscedi more' because 'it burn more 'fat, but the caloric expenditure remains the same' cause the work and 'the same.
Avoid eating within 4 hours of the race (which considered six hours after the meal is still observed oxygen uptake by the digestive system, oxygen being subtracted attivita 'muscle): you can' be hungry before the race, but this does not mean having shortages of energy reserves.
It 'important to calculate the moment of the race or workout in which to appeal to un'apporto carbohydrate: since you take sugar, traveling only with those, as it is blocked the release of the liver and muscle glycogen: l' intake of sugar stimulates insulin secretion Bundling glucose reserves in the liver and muscles from which then never happens more 'release.
This time should be chosen according to the length of the race or workout, depends on the validity 'glycemic load that is' done and it' naturally subjective since glycogen stores are also the characteristics muscle.
You can 'try but' to replenish the carbohydrates consumed with very dilute solutions (4%) which also allow rehydration but do not put in motion the mechanism of storage of sugars should be borne in mind that
short races, eg 1-2 hours, require no integration (unless of difficult climatic conditions such as high temperature).
Since carbohydrates slow down the absorption of water from the stomach, and 'more' in the first part only appropriate to replenish fluids and electrolytes, carbohydrates in a diluted solution only in the second part, for example after the first hour of
race, carbohydrates in complex form (fruit, starches) just to make up for the sense of hunger in races very long and only when glycogen stores are definitely gone.
You can use maltodextrin (40gr. Every hour ride) or fructose (sol 4%) or glucose, sucrose etc.
maltodextrins have greater speed 'absorption, but some studies indicate that the best results a mixture of sugars.
For races that last up to an hour and not 'require any integration of carbohydrates, it' when it 'nor before the race-training (given the role of insulin in blocking the release of glycogen).
races for up to two hours, after an hour of the race can 'be necessary to use carbohydrates liq. 'cause even if they are not depleted glycogen stores, the contribution with integration begins to be more' relevant.
but if it is a long route, which strives for more 'than two hours you can take carbohydrates every 7 km, in the race, every 45-60 min in cycling.
So for races that last less than an hour does not make sense to take carbohydrates, just the glycogen stored in the liver and muscles, especially if and 'properly made the carbohydrate loading, also because' the time of gastric emptying, intestinal absorption and arrival muscle glucose makes superfluous anyway 4 integration.
For periods longer than the intake of sugar begins to have importance particularly to address well the last part of the race and 'must then calculate the quantita'di ingested carbohydrate: we place two extremes:
--the first to the amount 'zero, for races of less than an hour
--the according to the amount 'of 60 grams of carbohydrate per hour: sugars taken in excess are not used by the muscles (which burn a gram per minute) but which is stored in the liver, counteracting the release of liver glycogen.
Not 'this but' the amount 'to be taken in reality' although in theory would cover 'entire demand an hour of running,' cause the absorption of carbohydrates and 'in competition with that of water: the water and 'better absorbed with hypotonic solutions, that' less concentrated, while carbohydrates are better absorbed by hypertonic solutions, cioe'piu 'concentrated;
the intermediate solution could be to take 30 grams of carbohydrate per hour, for example half a liter of a 6% solution
maltodextrins are absorbed more 'quickly, fructose more' slowly, but it induces an insulin response piu'moderata;
some studies have found that the absorption of maltodextrins and 'still more' fast if the intestines are molecules of glucose and fructose, so the best solution would be a mixture with high prevalence of maltodextrin.
fluid loss during intense activity 'sport has several consequences (increase in body temperature, decreased blood volume, increased heart rate and yet there is a reduction in cardiac output that is not offset by the frequency ).
And 'obviously important replenish fluids (and eventually salts) but' also important to establish the degree of dehydration that you are likely in the race to assess the mode 'and the entities' reintegration.
First we must consider that there are hardly very serious conditions (temperature and humidity 'high exposure to the sun) for which the conviction of having to drink often and much and' counterproductive, but must be assessed, however, the need 'to rehydrate seen that when the athlete get to lose about 3% of the weight that '2 kg for a 70 kg individual weight, performance begins to deteriorate;
This comes at a time that varies with the environmental conditions, such as after an hour in difficult conditions (if the athlete is not 'trained or used to running with the heat just half an hour) at times a bit' more 'long but 'in
most cases.
It 'also important to first calculate the amount' of water which will have 'need to assess the amount' of salts and carbohydrates to add to not compromise the water-absorption with the same solutions too concentrated;
you can 'calculate the amount' of water to be taken with the following formula:
water to be taken = 0.2 x [(temperature: 12) squared] x duration in hours of the race
the value of the temperature can 'be increased to 2.3 or 4 degrees depending on the degree of humidity' present
(50,60,70% humidity ')
THE prehydration
200-300 ml of water only before departure only if it is palatable, if not, and if 'drunk in force because the same effects as a superidratazione race (gastric heaviness, need' to eliminate liquid).
rates more 'high replenishment of glycogen stores you have in the two hours following the attivita'.
Take carbohydrates later in this range results in glycogen replenishment much more 'low.
And 'more' should be used rather than the normal meal supplements, that satiety index 'down and that would be added to the meal eaten after causing a situation of power
recourse to the integrator and often 'the shortcut which wants to use those who have no time or desire to train properly: integration does not replace training, puo'invece help train better;
the search for an improvement in performance through the use of supplements provides modest results:
substances that improve performance exist, are all in the table of doping;
integration should serve rather (since we do not talk about doping) to improve recovery after workouts and races, to avoid consequences such as muscle fatigue by oxidative stress, fatigue, lack of energy in view of subsequent commitments;
the improvement of the recovery, the full availability 'energy after the race allow a recovery that allows fully effective in training or in the following races, and this really allows the improvement of performance ..
ACID THIOCTIC shows the ability 'to target carbohydrates to the muscles rather than toward the fatty tissues, but' action negligible compared to an ideal cure the contribution glycemic.
ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS or polyunsaturated omega 3,6,9 or have an important role in ensuring the best fluidity 'to cell membranes of the body: the fluidity' and 'essential to enable the proper exchange of oxygen and nutrients between the cell and the bloodstream.
Proper intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids thereby promotes funzionalita'di all body cells:
this beneficial effect and 'thwarted by the presence of saturated fatty acids in the diet, on the contrary, cause cell membranes greater rigidity' consequently hinder 'the exchange of nutrients and metabolic waste (including saturated fatty acids the most' frequent oils hydrogenated, originally unsaturated oils which are made solid in order to dispose of solid fats cheap).
The same action stiffening of cell membranes and 'given by the isomers' 'trans' 'of the same polyunsaturated fatty acids; these are the same molecules omega 3,6,9 but that' processes such as frying, processing prolonged hot transform giving different geometric arrangement, for which these molecules, isomerized from the cis form (the natural) to the trans form, assuming a spatial curve, reduce the fluidity 'of the membranes.
This stiffening of the cell membranes (muscle, heart, nervous etc.) Hinders the activity 'physical, which involves a physiological condition in which the pace of trade-cell blood and' substantially increased; is also an increase in insulin secretion in response to glycemic load, increases the production of free radicals; ìirrigidimento the cell membrane is also a cardiovascular risk, the increase in LDL cholesterol, depression of the immune system so that the intake of hydrogenated oils and trans fats can 'encourage various pathological conditions.
There is defended by their labels of processed foods, avoiding fried food, consuming oils produced by cold pressing.
There 'no need for any integration of omega 6:09 seen that abound in food (all kinds of vegetable oils, starting from olive oil in which the' omega 9, oleic acid, and 'the constituent Main.
care should be taken so the presence in the diet, or integration, of the only omega 3: fish and 'the main source (salmon, sardines, tuna, shellfish, nuts, and even if the latter' un'alimento decidedly calorie with 582 cal per 100 g).
If for any reason the power it had to be deficient, omega 3 should be integrated at the rate of 500 mg per day.
Linoleic acid and 'a fatty acid omega 6 that has' felt would give an increase in lean body mass and decreased fat mass, but are studies that have found no confirmation, also linoleic acid is abundant in dairy products, vegetable oils, meat.
AMINO, PROTEIN AND AMINO: Integration with protein and 'integration undifferentiated, that' does not favor the essential amino acids or branched but brings the same proportion that you get from food; a pound of chicken ensures the right amount of protein also to more 'busy body builders.
Greater importance has specificity 'of essential amino acids, which are the ones that the body is not' able to synthesize and therefore must be included in the diet (phenylalanine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, lysine, leucine, isoleucine and valine) and between these in particular, in sports, the branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine);
are different amino acids, essential or not, involved in energy processes (arginine, carnitine, glutamine etc.,) but 'their use in supplements and' pointless as the proportion required e'assicurata from supply, the use of amounts 'does not improve athletic performance.
Using more 'justified and' what concerns the branched amino acids used for recovery after intense workouts or races.
Widespread use of proteins and amino acids regards the attempt to increase muscle mass: the stimulus that anabolic body part pero'obbedisce to stimuli of hormonal and not 'influenced by
intake of nutritional supplements: amino acids are, and 'true, the bricks that form proteins and then the muscle fibers, but download on site truck without any brick masons (ie' the stimulus anabolic) constitutes only an accumulation of material that will be 'used for the purposes for energy or stored in the form of fats,
also causing metabolic problems such as kidney un'affaticamento caused by the need 'to dispose of nitrogenous waste.
Also the intake Pregara for energy purposes and not 'justified, the amino acids having a lower calorie content of carbohydrates and requiring a process of assimilation more' long; also the intake of amino acids in place of carbohydrates causes formation of ammonia as a product of catabolism, and ammonia and 'one of the factors
determine fatigue during competition.
So branched amino acids can be used to facilitate the recovery, are useful but 'only in the event of workouts pressocche' newspapers and demanding: in this case help to replenish the muscle fibers weakened by protein catabolism that occurs precisely as a result frequent and challenging training sessions; then up to four workouts a week, if these do not exceed roughly an hour and a half's time, and 'sufficient proportion of protein supply: 10 grams of branched chain amino acids (enough to recover from sessions not very demanding, to be eaten the meal after the race or workout, between two and five hours later) are contained in:
250 grams of beans 300 g of beef 250 g of pork 250 grams of chicken meat
180 grams of dried beef 220 grams of ham 250 grams of liver 220 grams of tuna
300 g of fish such as cod, mackerel, sole 400 grams of trout 200 grams of mozzarella
180 grams of Parmesan.
ANTIOXIDANTS, vit. And, vit. C: An activity 'physics more' intense means more speed 'of metabolic reactions and a higher production of metabolites waste, often oxidants and free radicals; a well-trained athlete also
greater ability 'to dispose of such waste, but in a way often enough, and even more so those who carry out training in a more' occasional undergoes more 'easily damage produced by oxidizing substances:
these substances, highly reactive, if not disposed of quickly react with any cellular structure to come into contact; when they are produced in the cells of muscle tissue can damage the fibers causing
oxidative stress leading to fatigue muscle, which is particularly pronounced one or two days after the race
(When you create the inflammatory state) making it difficult to return to training.
The appearance of the 'muscle fatigue justifies the use of antioxidant supplements, there are many on the market, also because' the antioxidant action also has anti-aging action, you must then choose the most 'appropriate:
papaya, aloe, green tea, baobab (!) are expensive and the antioxidant content insufficient, it would be fair to the wheat germ oil as a source of vitamin and moderate (10-20 mg, not much more 'than c'e'in that a multivitamin); minerals such as zinc, copper, selenium are integrated with a sufficiency multimineral,
Better efficacy, safety and convenience have the vit. C and E: you can take 300-400 mg (which in this case coincides roughly with IU) daily, during the race or workout, you can 'take vit.C for a total of 1 g diluted in Also drink mixed with salts and carbohydrates. It is worth repeating that with this integration is not trying to improve performance, you get but 'to return to training with no problems with muscle fatigue and increased protection against contractures and injuries: and' the to train consistently and effective door comes to improving performance.
ARGININA the human organism and 'able to produce it, but under certain conditions (such as activity' sports) the amount produced can 'be insufficente.Durante the activity' physical muscle cells produces ammonia as
product of protein catabolism, and during activities' prolonged; since the production of ammonia in the muscles and 'a factor of muscle fatigue and' appropriate integration in the sports of long duration
(Running, cycling). Va rejected the use of arginine for his ability 'to stimulate growth hormone (which you would have anabolic action) since this result and' observed only in elderly patients admitted to the clinic, with power problems and gastrointestinal absorption but no study of individuals young and healthy and 'observed A rise in growth hormone secretion.
Even the activities 'ornithine in this sense has not had confirmation while ornithine keto glutarate (OKG) and' able to neutralize the ammonia.
The usefulness 'of arginine and OKG in the neutralization of ammonia is felt only for well-trained athletes (intensity' and frequency of training bring the body the students 'ability to use protein for energy, and' so obvious that they need to neutralize the ammonia only well-trained athletes and competitions or workouts more 'challenging.
ASPARTATE MAGNESIUM AND POTASSIUM is hired plenty 'cause it is believed that compensates the loss of salts that occurs with sweating; many ask the pharmacy convinced that it is a tonic energizzante.Una salt deficiency is significant only after 3-4 hours of activity 'fisica.In theory deficiency of potassium and magnesium should cause difficulty' in neuromuscular transmission and problems contractility ' muscle: how difficult that what 'happens is demonstrated by the fact that the first organ to be affected would be the heart: we would have that' a heart attack even before the cramps.
An alleged lack of potassium and magnesium does not cause cramps, and rather 'the aspartate molecule that plays a certain preventive action.
SODIUM BICARBONATE used to neutralize the lactic acid produced in efforts more 'intense: has a contraindication that exceeds any benefit: baking soda is removed from the body in the form of dioxide
carbon with formation of hydrogen ions which engage the hemoglobin subtracting the transport of oxygen.
Bronchodilators, DROPS AND LIQUID OXYGEN ENRICHED: observed that oxygen participates in the energy metabolism and closes it, as it collects and removes the electrons that are produced in the oxidation reactions, is expected to provide somewhat more 'oxygen the body can accelerate or optimize the reactions of energy production: and 'sa bit like saying that if I bring more' truck to pick up the product at the factory, production increases.
Notwithstanding the need 'to proper oxygenation of the muscles, it must be said that is not' the flow of oxygen from the outside to regulate metabolic reactions, if anything, the efficiency of trade across cell membranes;
hence the uselessness' of the use of spray bronchodilators, which among other things are doping for their modest anabolic action, and the various aqueous solutions enriched oxygen.
FOOTBALL and 'notes the importance of calcium for bone structure: its deficiency is mainly observed,
to insufficient intestinal absorption, in menopausal women and the elderly; athletes must just be careful that there are no food shortages since the body removes bone calcium it needs. Football and 'present in dairy products, eggs, vegetables.
CAFFEINE: From January 2004, the caffeine is not 'more' between the doping of the IOC (International Olympic Committee) and WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), although to achieve the levels of doping occurred at least 12 cups of coffee '.
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system (action that promotes concentration and attention), reduces the perception of fatigue and increases the rate and cardiac output, activities' which promotes the oxygenation of the muscles, which is essential in the sport of long duration; promotes the release of adrenaline, which enhances the contraction
muscle, increases the speed 'of hepatic glycogenolysis and muscle and release of free fatty acids from adipose tissue (thus favors the use of energy from fat, saving the glycogen stored in the muscles).
More needs to be 'pay attention to the weather conditions: Caffeine has diuretic so in a particularly hot or humid may' limit the ability 'physical and performance: an increased loss of water before
the race slows the loss of sweat (which is' a mechanism termoregolazionedell'organismo) and excessively increases the body temperature.
the amount 'to be taken' of about 300 mg one hour before the race (equivalent to three coffee ').
The effect of caffeine but 'and' very low if you are 'a habitual consumer of large amount' of caffe'o if you follow a diet very high in carbohydrates, and that 'better to resort to caffeine just before the race, and not
for training.
In addition, caffeine taken in tablet has much greater action, perhaps due to other substances in the coffee 'that hinder the action.
The GUARANA 'owes its own action to caffeine. Can 'contain up to 5%, then to obtain 300 mg must take six grams of guarana': no supplement guarana 'recommended dosage of the genre (even if' that useful for sports) 'cause otherwise the consumer notices As the product is expensive;
A method can 'be taking guarana' to complete the action of caffe 'expressed, as guarana' has release times of caffeine rather prolonged, and therefore exerts a longer duration of action.
CARNITINA and 'that vitamin heart for capacita'di improve the energy of myocardial contraction in cardiac patients; some clinical studies recognize the ability 'to improve the use of fat for energy because of his actions and you' to facilitate the passage of fatty acids into the mitochondria, where the oxidation for energy, but these studies 'were conducted on patients admitted to the clinic and with heart disease, patients with a deficiency of carnitine, but it' s never been shown a beneficial effect on healthy individuals, for which there is a deficiency, and 'in this abundance in foods such as meat and dairy products, also our body and 'able to synthesize it, so a carnitine deficiency occurs only in pathological conditions and its integration is not' justified.
Carnosine is an antioxidant, but the high cost is preferred vitamins. Has the ability 'to buffer lactic acid, without the side effects of bicarbonate, an action that allows an extension in the endurance and recovery times more' rapidi.La action of interest and 'capacity' to increase ATP production; This is, in the form of usable energy from the cell immediately, that 'the molecule that is formed with the energy provided by the chemical substrates (fats, proteins and carbohydrates) as a result of oxidative phosphorylation.
An obstacle to its use and 'the price to the point that in the market are carnosine supplements insufficient doses (200-300 mg against the two, three, maybe five grams per day needed).
Creatine: Creatine phosphate system constitutes a mechanism of energy reserve that intervenes in support of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), and that 'the one used with continuity' and in great prevalence from the cells, where you experience the sudden demands of energy : and 'what happens in all the activities' in which there are breaks, sprints, jumps and efforts ceilings: the benefit is observed for shots or jumps etc. repeated at intervals of not more'
a minute one from the other, starting from a fourth-fifth effort to a percentage
efficiency of about 5%. Creatine therefore has no utility 'for sports that require a continuous effort,
not without intense and frequent tears, then it is not useful 'for the long run it' for road cycling (more 'useful for those who practice mountain biking) and even in these cases could be counterproductive to weight gain passive due to the high water retention caused by creatine (of which each molecule has a high solvation): the advantage that they get the body builders from taking creatine, among other things in excessive doses for those looking for just a performance boost, and ' curiously linked precisely to this effect '' undesirable '' because the muscles appear more 'toned and massive precisely because of water retention, with water swells the muscles and the illusion of an anabolic effect that creatine has not.
are enough two grams per day, even without the loading phase used by body builders.
IRON the activities 'intense physical causes microtrauma muscle and loss of red blood cells, which is useful for integration of small amounts' of iron such as those found in multivitamin-multimineral in case of anemia, iron intake only makes sense if you observe a shortage, but if the blood levels are regular causes are other (and are investigated by a doctor).
GINSENG, ELEUTHEROCOCCUS etc. lead to a rapid habituation, whereby after an initial, short phase in which they have a modest stimulating effect (but not in any case of improvement of resistance) lose any effectiveness; the GINKGO does not even have the initial stimulating action.
These are products that owe their fortune to research funded by the producers, made of frail elderly patient, or as declared effective by athletes as performance improvement and 'should instead use of doping substances;
MALTODEXTRINE: integration with sugar is useful in races or workouts lasting more than an hour and a half; the ideal and 'prepare drinks to be taken gradually, immediately available; maltodextrins are the products of hydrolysis of starch into macromolecules containing a variable number of molecules of glucose.
These macromolecules must have average size so as to have absorption times more 'rapid than for starch and a duration of action compared to glucose;
using a parameter, the D.E. or dextrose equivalent, between 5 and 40, which should then be around 20.
Maltodextrins are also used to replenish the liver and muscle glycogen after competitions and training (assuming you have the ideal recovery carbohydrates within two hours) but the fact that you have not satiating power does that go in addition to the usual diet, producing a surplus calorico.Per replenish glycogen after
competitions and training and 'best to consume the regular meal (dinner, lunch) within the next two hours, favoring carbohydrates but no caloric surplus.
Glutamine: is used by the body to synthesise nonessential amino acids of which do not have a sufficient dietary intake; involves strong water retention, and for this and 'welcome to bodybuilders, as swollen muscles (water), but what' constitutes a condroindicazione for those athletes damaged by A rise in weight, so the recovery and 'best done directly taking the amino acids rather than this precursor, which also is not' active in promoting the synthesis of the essential amino acids that the human body does not and 'can manufacture, including
there are branched chain amino acids, the most 'important in recovery.
And 'found that prevents muscle catabolism, that' the metabolism of muscle fibers for energy: this is useful only for bodybuilders, which aim to form muscles toned and obvious, but do not need to hone performance in strength: who instead practice running or cycling should rather learn to be a '' proteinburner '' then the use is useful proteins for energy, which occurs in individuals who engage in long paths and daily workouts, and then recover with the intake of amino acids.
GLUTATHIONE: and 'active only by injection (drugs have detoxifying fact that shape) as orally is hydrolyzed (i.e. destroyed) at intestinal and epatico.Comunque, as antioxidants are more' economic and active vitamins C and is.
Inosine publicized 'cause increase strength and endurance, rejected by any study has been done.
Iodine and 'a constituent of thyroid hormones, which have a function of regulating metabolism; a deficiency, which can 'occur for the use of vegetables grown on poor soils iodine or for a low use of foods
marine origin, can 'cause a slowing of metabolism.
The metabolism slows still exceeded 30 years: in these cases (age, nutritional deficiency) can 'be useful n'integrazione: often brought the kelp, or brown seaweed or sea oak, as a source of iodine, but' much more ' economic (and equivalent) to use iodized salt.
Assume iodine does not mean accelerate the metabolism, as expected by those who assumes as an adjuvant in the diets, 'cause the production of thyroid hormones occurs with a negative feedback mechanism, that' part only when lowering the blood levels of these hormones.
MAGNESIUM important constituent of bones, is involved in neuromuscular transmission; a slight shortage you can 'create following activities' intense physical. The integration and sufficient 'that contained in normal multivitamin-multimineral (in food especially in green vegetables) .A portion excessive can' have depressive action on the central nervous system and peripheral (and this is' why magnesium is used as a sedative and antineuralgic).
NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and 'one of the substances involved in the oxidative phosphorylation, the anaerobic process of transport of the electrons produced by the oxidation of the nutrient substrates, a process which is accompanied by the production of energy in the form of ATP.
From the observation of the role of NADH in cellular energy production comes the use of this substance as a supplement. The factor that undermines the use of NADH and 'the existence of tens of factors, cytochromes, etc., involved in the transportation of electrons, for which integrate a single substance and' how to bring the assembly line the only bolts truckload, without the other components, and expect to get truckloads of finished products.
The integration of all components of the oxidative phosphorylation, admitted that makes sense, since it still uses substrates from oxidative metabolic reactions and involving in total hundreds of substances, not 'viable precisely to the large number of substances involved, but also for the instability '
of many components, their cost etc.
Policosanol: in vogue because 'would be able to intervene in the endogenous synthesis of cholesterol, so would lower blood cholesterol due to the production of cholesterol by del'organismo, speaking on that portion of cholesterol that you can not control with the power, but only with medications (statins).
More 'than 50 studies carried out in Cuba on policosanol extracted from sugar cane Cuban researchers from the place showed this action, none of the studies carried out by Cuba (such as strict McGill University) observed any kind of result: and' a little 'what' success with Korean ginseng.
This apparent tampering with results, with commercial intent, puts in doubt the sporting use of policosanol, which would improve the use of 'oxygen by the muscle cells, with a mechanism, however,' that is not 'it was' clear it 'declared.
Q10 (ubiquinone): applies as for the NDHA
SERENOA REPENS: used for the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy; and 'this inflammatory condition that affects 50% of the male population, usually after age 50, due to the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.
The first symptom that is felt and 'the difficulty' to urinate, jackets' aumentodi the volume of the prostate involves the compression of the stretch of the urethra that passes through the gland.
The care and 'carried over that with 320 mg per day of Serenoa repens also with finasteride, 2 or 5 mg daily.
Prostatic hypertrophy and 'a serious complication for those over 50 who ride, because of the posture in the saddle, a problem exacerbated by the overweight and the use of unsuitable saddles.
Do not you experience prostate problems in professional cyclists, for reasons related all'eta'giovanile correct shape and weight, as well as the choice of appropriate saddles.
TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS: determines an increase of testosterone in the body, then it SHOULD encourage attivita'anabolizzante; but 'get an increase of testosterone in the body may not have any effect,' cause 99% of the body's testosterone and 'unavailable as bound to proteins with functions of reserves, while the one% active is a constant value: the body is opposed to changes
homeostasis and in fact in this case formed by the action of testosterone tribulus is stored or processed in the inactive form, and especially in estradiol, a female hormone, (cio 'to restore the condition that androgenic
the body considers physiological).
These and other compensatory effects occur every time you try to increase the level of testosterone in a '' natural '', ie 'with the stimulus provided by supplements.
The same dose of testosterone from 'beginning to such mechanisms of inactivation; in fact we resort to doping nandrolone (nortestosterone) to circumvent the control mechanisms of the organism.
Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) are absorbed and metabolized more 'quickly by the body, are transported into the mitochondria without the intervention of carnitine, then in a more' efficient than long-chain fatty acids and then to make up the body an alternative energy source that saves glycogen.
The quantity 'and recommended' of a gram per kilogram of body weight, but it 's probably best to stick to a maximum of 30 g to be taken an hour before the race. Are contained in butter, almond oil, coconut oil, but you can not 'take into account the integration with food, which would bring a number of other components and effects intolerable (caloric intake, digestion, pharmacological actions such as 'laxative effect of almond oil).
VITAMINS B: - B1 or thiamine: intervenes in the reactions leading to the production of energy from
glucose and in the physiology of the nervous system, muscles and heart; participates in the formation of red blood cells.
vit. b2 or riboflavin is part of two coenzymes involved in the reactions relating to the production of ATP, the molecule of the final metabolic reactions that lead to the production of energy.
Vitamin B3 or niacin, or vitamin PP: forms two coenzymes (NAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, and NADP, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) involved in metabolic reactions.
Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid and 'the precursor of coenzyme A, which is essential for energy metabolism:
leads to the oxidation of the acetyl groups co (in the form of acetyl coenzyme A) for the production of energy.
Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine: promotes the release of liver glycogen and muscle; intervenes in the formation of red blood cells.
Vit b8 or biotin or vitamin. H: is involved in protein metabolism and chemical reactions involving the synthesis of amino acids; participates in the formation of glycogen.
Vit B12 or cobalamin: produces the isomerization of methylmalonyl CoA, which intervenes in the Krebs cycle, a substantial section in the production of cellular energy.
Vit b9 or folic acid: intervenes in the synthesis, processing and use of certain amino acids, in the synthesis in growth and cell (in particular red blood cells).
VIT.D indispensable to facilitate the deposition of calcium in bone tissue (which is' subjected to a continuous action of renewal, ie 'of destruction and reconstruction) .L'integrazione sufficient and' that which is found in multivitaminici.L'integrazione becomes more 'important in fractures and for athletes who travel great distances to wear phenomena involving bone.
ZINC is proposed integration with zinc because 'the activities' involves physical stress that manifests itself in a drop in immune function; what 'going on but' only when those whose fitness undergo excessive loads. In these cases and 'sufficient qantita the' present in multivitamin-multimineral and food:
meat, eggs, nuts, mushrooms.
Dr. Nicola Lembo