Post in evidenza

martedì 23 giugno 2009


Parallel universes, sliding doors and the consolation of knowing that our alter ego, instead of falling down stairs, wins the lottery.
The assumptions about the existence of parallel universes seem matter of science fiction, but the scenarios opened by quantum physics and string theory displace the presumption that you understand and defined once and for all the physical world, beginning with the one that would call solid matter: even the most solid object that we touch is made up mainly of empty space; imagining an atom to the size of a room, the core at the center would be the size of a grain of sand. The electrons that describe the boundaries are even smaller; it is true that if you beat up against a sheet of any solid material we can not cross it, but that only by virtue of powerful electrostatic forces that are exerted between the atoms and that they form the strong weave as the "matter".
It is not enough: even the subatomic particles have particle properties only in the detection of our senses (or our investigative tools, which are nothing more than extensions sensory must necessarily relate to our ability to perceive): electrons, protons, neutrons are formed quarks which, as well as other subatomic particles, also have an apparent corporeality.

String theory, but in some respects also the reflections that can be done as a result of experiences older and assimilated, as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle (impossibility of detecting position is that speed at a given moment of a particle as the electron, as to deny its essence corpuscular despite our sensory perceptions or instrumental) provides that the fundamental constituents of those surveys indicate that physical particles are the "strings" of energy, vibrating strings that closed loop that according to the type of vibration determine the electrostatic characteristics and mass of the constituents subatomic; only energy then, in all that we, with our gross senses we perceive as matter (and hence the gross theories about reality as an illusion).

The size of the strings are extremely small: if an atom was the size of the known universe, a string would be the size of a tree. This basic form of energy has the fundamental characteristic of vibrating in directions and in different ways, thus giving the characteristics peculiar to corpuscles and photons; mathematical calculations at the base of the theory in relation to the various positions (quantum) of oscillation they did obtain 10 spatial dimensions possible (more than one time dimension, inseparable from the concept of space by Einstein onwards).
Our universe has four dimensions, three of space (up-down, left-right, up-down) and a time (before-after): where are the other seven?
Are rolled in microscopic form, wrapped from strings whose energy, to considerable extent, it prevents that they operate; this multidimensional reality can be easily imagined if we consider the structure of a carpet: observed from a distance will show the three macroscopic dimensions, but seen from close be woven of numerous fibers, and then proceeding in direction up-down through the carpet we see more spatial dimensions, those Rolled wires that make up the weave. Then to determine the position on the \ in the carpet need the macroscopic three spatial dimensions: time dimension (when) and other dimensions, related to the position along the circular path of the wires that make up the weave; here is the way in which, in addition to the three space dimensions extended, we can have other smaller rolled.
At the time of the big bang all 10 spatial dimensions were circular, ultramicroscopic size (similar to those of the strings) and were enveloped by the strings that have hindered the expansion (the protection of the strings is still being seen in our universe for what concerns 7 dimensions remained compacted).
For strong energies released in the moments after the big bang structures string-size rolled (structures Calabi-Yau) have undergone frenetic changes, tears and reconnections that led to the liberation of the three macroscopic dimensions.

From our vantage point (and existence) have released only three dimensions, those proved able to accommodate atoms and molecules, stars and planets; actually dates 10 spatial dimensions each had the opportunity to undergo the shock energy that has led to the unwinding. But we live in the universe characterized by these three spatial dimensions in which we are imprisoned: one-dimensional systems (a wire path from strings immaterial energy), or two-dimensional (a membrane devoid of thickness) and even more systems to 4-5 or more sizes are imperceptible with our senses, and obey different physical laws that prevent the interaction with our universe. These parallel universes occupy our own "where" but they would create a specific space (the space occupied by matter as it exists and would thus remain the exclusive preserve of each system size or "parallel universe"): the relationship between them is established only by gravity, which holds together the same "where" these parallel universes and is the only force that is exerted between them, the only possibility of interaction: the shock caused in particle accelerators is seeking, among other things, the occurrence of the disappearance of energy, which would index the passage of a graviton in a parallel universe; also they see themselves as the holes blacks, for their extreme gravity and space-time curvature, a possible point of union and a hypothetical transition between universes.

This scenario excludes other possibilities of interaction between universes born of the same big bang, in addition to gravity: it is impossible to secure the formation of matter as we know it in the structures with one or two dimensions unrolled while universes in more than three dimensions macroscopic It finds it difficult even to imagine them: forget green men and flying saucers, that if there is formation of matter and life forms in these universes they will appear as a frenzy midway between Picasso and galleries of mirrors opposite; not only: because the time is a function of space, are unimaginable even temporal directions in these universes. In addition to the first-direction after we should have temporal circular, folded (even more than in our universe, where there is also the curvature of space-time demonstrated by Einstein and attributed to the gravitational pull). Itineraries roundtrip and directions after-before, intersections and junctions to the point that the story of Benjamin Button comparison would be rather trivial.

Ours is the only universe in three dimensions?
Probably not, because we could have an even number of combinations of the ten dimensions, and may be quite similar, but the big bang would be the only moment of "life in common" between them, then this is not the scenario that makes us imagine the our alter ego who won the Oscar for lead actor; contact between parallel universes would be limited to the point of origin in another case, to be that the number of universes could be exterminated because the phenomenon of the big bang could be originated by the impact of macroscopic membranous structures that would be repeated with a certain frequency, causing the detachment therefrom of splinters, dust of energy, strings whose aggregation produces the spatial dimensions of which first: we would have countless other universes, also in 3 dimensions, but in immeasurably enormous distances one from the other, far greater the size of a single universe: in this case we would have even less relations between universes, even the gravitational binding and the sharing of the "where".

And parallel universes of science fiction, then, those where instead of falling down the stairs we win the lottery, I'm really preposterous?

String theory allows us those flights of fancy in which our decisions gives rise to a "sliding door" that faces the universe in which it develops the future predicted by the alternative to the decision, with the support of the principle of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and quantum physics, which provide as potentially real every possible alternative to what the observer does not set the reality with his observation, even when the observation is after the event (see the experiment of passing photons through one or the other of the two slits of a mask, with the photon that passes through the slit inevitably we're seeing even when performing detection downstream of the mask, AFTER THE PHOTON AND 'THE PAST, we can "decide" on which slit the photon has passed, as if the events occur both, but only our observation evidenziasse the future of the photon): it follows that it realizes the whole range of possible hypotheses: although we observe only the ' universe subsequent observation accomplished, it concretizzerebbero also the fact that we have observed.

For travel parallel universes are needed in the structure of space-time tear, ie it is necessary that the vibrations of the strings that generate events in our universe can manifest itself in others; ripping space-time is a possibility denied by any physical theory: a tear in the space trigger apocalyptic cataclysms for the necessary re-organization of matter; yet a laceration of space and time, there is, if we continue the evaluation of the characteristics of the universe according to string theory: these being the physical form smaller existing, at its core each circular string must contain a microscopic tearing of space , protected from the voltage of the string, which prevents the expansion: we have so a window through which the oscillations of the strings may occur through the vacuum; this activity it can assume that produces consequences in areas other than that in which we perceive the "matter" in its physical manifestations produced by the oscillations of the strings in our universe.

The differences in the historical evolution of the universes necessarily mean that the positions of the bodies no longer coincide (an individual goes to the game, the alter ego prefers the cinema) but are generated by the same strings: paradox unsurpassed remembering the experiment of Aspect (1982): by emitting two correlated photons (born at the same time) by a calcium atom, and directed in opposite directions, on the trajectory of the first it is interposed a prism capable of divert its direction; the other photon, that is in space and directed to the antipodes, will undergo instantly, at the same time, a deviation of the same corner of the first photon, with a match, inter alia, that occurs at a rate exceeding that of light ..

Here, in this scenario is finally possible to theorize parallel universes imagined by science fiction: interpenetrating each other, in quantity and indefinite, held together only by gravity but no other possibility of contact (for now?) And representing a wide range of possible alternatives to our history.

Nicola Lembo

martedì 9 giugno 2009

PEPPINO - ordinarie avventure comiche


Campagna…scorre su entrambi i lati della macchina, in quadri piatti ed ordinati, righe pulite e dritte…quanto lavoro!
Lavoro…manco scannato a lavorare in campagna, ci andassero gli africani! All’alba già con la schiena spezzata in due…
Troppo semplice dire verde… quello stinto degli ulivi, quello brillante dell’erba, quello scuro ed aggrumato dei broccoli… me la raccoglierei una cassettata di broccoli, però! Freschi, teneri, appena tagliati, che dal verduraio, fra raccolta e magazzino, son secchi già da tre giorni…
Siamo un po’ vicini al paese, però; se mi vedono che cazzo di figura ci faccio, col Mercedes coupé a fregare i broccoli in campagna…
Vabbè, in due minuti do una roncolata veloce, non mi vede nessuno.
Mi infilo nel viottolo, fermo e scendo: nessun’altra macchina in vista…é vero che ‘sti contadini sono capaci ancora di venire al lavoro in bicicletta…
E dove la metto la verdura? Un coltello in macchina ce l’ho, forse una o due buste di plastica pure, ma se trovassi una cassetta, qui nel campo, forse vicino al capanno laggiù…
Quella però non é una cassetta, é una schiena…mi ha sentito arrivare…dannati contadini, sempre con la schiena piegata e il muso nella terra…ecco che si mette dritto, pare che debba sollevarsi uno pterodontodattilo!
Però, per quanto possa metterci, massimo fra due secondi devo inventarmi una cazzata…se mi giro e me ne vado lo capisce che volevo fregarmi i broccoli…ma che cazzo, su, gli chiedo dov’é la masseria di Filippone, ho ancora le mani pulite, mi sembra.
E’ che la faccia che fa é un pò strana…mi aspetto l’espressione da cane arrabbiato che difende il campo e questo sembra invece un penitente che si torce le mani per non piangere…
Strano-strano-strano…questo non é il padrone…
- “Allora, stai facendo un bel servizio?”
- “Compa’, veramente, solo una busta di un po’ di verdure…”
- “Di buste ne vedo due…”
- “Si, ma per pulirle, le frasche le do ai conigli”
- “Hum…quelle cime di rapa andrebbero meglio come contorno, ai conigli, che come mangime…”
- “E’ lo stesso, tanto adesso non me le porto! Le lascio qui?”
- “Come, le lasci qui! Così vanno sprecate… vabbè, svuota le due buste, così, si, adesso finisci di pulire i broccoli…bene, rimettili nelle buste…riempi con altri broccoli….
- “Va bene, sono disposto a comprarli, ma così sono troppi!”
- “Tu non ti preoccupare e riempi! Adesso andiamo alla macchina. Certo, alla mia macchina, lo so che stai a piedi. Pesano? Me lo facevi il danno! Bene, metti le due buste nel portabagagli”
- “Ah! …Va bene, compà, basta che finisce qui…”
- “Dovrebbe finire qui, eh? E che ti devo dire…prendi quella busta vuota, quella che sta vicino al triangolo…riempila di verdura e portatela a casa…ma solo una busta, eh, mi raccomando! E naturalmente, qua non ci devi venire più…buongiorno!”
- “Buongiorno a voi, signoria, e tante grazie!”

-”Peppino?!? Che ci fai in ospedale! Tutto fasciato…”
-”Mò, tutto…la testa, il torace, i gomiti…UN solo polso, le gambe…”
-”Ma ti sei rotto tutto in una volta?”
-”Eh… stavo cambiando le tegole al tetto…”
-”E sei cascato!”
-”Peggio che cascare che puoi fare…cascare e rimbalzare?”
-”Più o meno…”
-”Ah ah ah! Già schiatto dal ridere! Dai, raccontami anche questa!”
 -”Quando ti dicono di ricorrere a gente del mestiere, anche se a te sembra di poterlo fare un lavoro, facci sempre un pensierino.
Prendo in prestito carriola e carrucola da Vincenzo Bucalacqua; mi dice: se vuoi te lo faccio io il lavoro. Ed io: no, macchè, mi sbrigo domenica mattina e nel pomeriggio ti restituisco gli attrezzi.
Lego bene, anche troppo, la trave con la carrucola alla soglia sporgente del tetto, faccio scorrere la corda attorno alla carrucola, scendo e lego la carriola…tutto semplice, no?
Isso la carriola al livello del tetto e lego la corda al pilastro del giardino.
A questo punto salgo sul tetto e comincio a togliere le tegole vecchie ed a metterle nella carriola: naturalmente contavo di fare meno discese possibili e quindi ho caricato per bene.
Scendo, afferro saldamente la corda e la slego dal pilastro per far scendere a terra la carriola…
ed a questo punto comincia la tragedia! Evidentemente il peso era ben superiore ai miei ottantacinque chili, perchè ho subìto uno strattone verso l’alto: non ho mollato, speravo di riuscire a recuperare a forza di braccia, ma sono partito in stile Cape Canaveral verso la carrucola.
Quando mi sono reso conto del mio destino, non ho avuto più animo di mollare la corda, ma mi ci sono aggrappato ancora più forte; pensavo di rimanere appeso come un salame ma non avevo considerato l’inevitabile appuntamento (il primo…) con la carriola in discesa: ancora non salivo a piombo, ma piuttosto di sghimbescio, quindi questo primo colpo l’ho preso alle gambe, dopodiché la corda ha continuato a portarmi su.
Anche adesso non ci pensavo proprio a mollare, semmai puntavo la finestra del primo piano, ma é stato un attimo e il viaggio di andata ha portato a destinazione naturale le mani presso la carrucola: un atroce multiplo schiocco mi ha avvertito che partivano falangi, falangette ed unghie assortite, allegramente triturate nel ponticello di ferro che sostiene l’asse della carrucola prima ancora che potessi avvertire dolore.
A quel punto avevo ancora meno voglia di mollare la corda, alla peggio mi vedevo appeso a provare ad afferrare con le gambe la soglia del tetto, ma avrei fatto meglio a valutare le catastrofiche ed ineluttabili leggi della fisica e della meccanica e mollare la corda: la carriola, nell’urto violento col terreno ha perso la maggior parte del carico e quindi del suo peso: il raro momento in cui mi ero potuto librare in volo come se non avessi 15 chili di eccessi alimentari addosso era pateticamente terminato, per cui cominciai a precipitare verso il suolo.
Ormai c’erano solo i due piani, pur spaventosi, a separarmi dalla sicurezza propria dell’animale terricolo, ma non avevo considerato LEI, ancora…la carriola, che nel frattempo risaliva sospinta dalla mia caduta.
Il nostro secondo appuntamento é stato ancora più fragoroso del primo e penso che in questo amplesso volante mi siano partite le costole…mollo finalmente la corda e giù, in caduta libera verso il mai così tanto desiderato suolo…e qui sono partite le braccia…ma è inutile che porti il conto, il totale lo vedi da te.
Partita finita? Nz nz nz…manco per niente… dove sarà a questo punto LEI…la carriola?
Ancora si libra in volo, esita baciando per l’ultima volta la complice carrucola, oscilla in un inchino di saluto e…precipita.
Addosso a me.
Che stavo sotto, steso per terra.
E che già pensavo che fosse finita…ed invece eccomi, è LEI che alla fine mi ha finito.
Mi é planata addosso, in pieno, pesante ed inesorabile; non ha avuto alcuna pietà.
Certo, dici bene, adesso mi metto tranquillo in ospedale e guarisco…certo, poteva andare peggio…però ho un problema…devo ancora restituire gli attrezzi a Vincenzo; puoi occupartene tu? Gli ho telefonato, ha detto che non gli servono, ma davvero non vorrei tornare a casa e ritrovarla lì, in agguato sulla rampa delle scale in procinto di liberare le sue potenziali sudditanze alla forza di gravità…
Come di che cazzo parlo…come, chi sarebbe che mi aspetta…

Nicola Lembo